Stick Run : Score And Exp Hack

Cheat Engine

1.Go To Stick Run
2.Open Cheat Engine
3.Selected your Browser
4.Change The Value Type to Double single player
6.scan your score again and increase your score
8.Then Scan Your Next Score
(example your 1st score 12 and make it higher then 12.. 15 16 or 17)
9.It Will Appears 1 Address..
10.put it down and change the value to 15000
(15000 is the limit if u dont want to get banned)
11.Froze the Address

Credits : Black KnightS Syndicate

Admin ~ Welcome to My Official Blog -

Post: Stick Run : Score And Exp Hack was published by Admin on Tuesday, March 13, 2012. Hopefully this post can be useful. Thank you for your visit please leave a comment. 0 Comments: on post Stick Run : Score And Exp Hack


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