Smart Bro MF180 Trick Free Internet

Smart Bro MF180 Trick Free Internet
A simple client trick

Have a new SmartBro Power Plug it Modem MF180 Model? Learn on how to be a geeky in one day. Here's a simple trick to bypass MF180 no profile settings/config filename issue. By the way, it is a new model made by Smarty( actually it is SMART BRO, and it was called by some discoverers of this trick). 

Technologically, it is not a framework on PHP script etc. It is merely SMART BRO, since this model achieve its smartness (opps). Smarty as opposes to its competitive partner in crime in USB Modem Internet Provider - GLOBOBO(Globe). It can be called Smarty, simple because its setting APN(which makes it cross to the world of free internet tru some tricks)cannot be changed with its GUI(Graphical User Interface) though it has a setting menu there but theres no button to add a config file or profile management setting. So SMARTY! hehe..

Curious VS Smarty
Even with its new modified, hack free version of model, but still it can be tricked. Theres a lot of curious technie geeky pips can find a hole and make it work 100% Free as same as those models. Therefore, CURIOUS pips win the battle TKO! :P

In some information,  there were authors warned many users not to buy this model MF180. But what if theres no other model available in SMART stores? And you are eager to buy it because you really need internet connection by hook or by crook, so in the end you will buy it. Though some users dont know the trick here so it is alright.

Enough with these nonsense these and lets get started!

Heres the simple steps.
1. Locate your Smart Bro Files usually: C:\Program Files\SMART BRO

2. Find NetConfig.ini  and edit its APN.

3. and hoola! you are done. Then connect!

Note you can try without changing it just a default smart bro dashboard setting

Before and after screenshot: Notice the APN title



Thanks to and to discoverer :)

Admin ~ Welcome to My Official Blog -

Post: Smart Bro MF180 Trick Free Internet was published by Admin on Friday, March 9, 2012. Hopefully this post can be useful. Thank you for your visit please leave a comment. 0 Comments: on post Smart Bro MF180 Trick Free Internet


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